prayer prayer

A Psalm and a Prayer

A psalm and prayer to move in the JOY of the life You have for me.

1 "Oh, the joys of those who do notfollow the advice of the wicked,or stand around with sinners,or join in with mockers.But they delight in the law of the Lord,meditating on it day and night.They are like trees planted along the riverbank,bearing fruit each season.Their leaves never wither,and they prosper in all they do."

Psalm 1:1-3


they delight in the work of the Lord

day and night, they think about His law, which is Love

they bear fruit--joy, peace, kindness, self-control, and the like

In response, I pray...for a heart that delights in bringing glory to Youfor a mind that meditates day and night on your Lovefor a life that bears fruit

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prayer prayer

An Invitation

The fire crackled and the crickets sang.The drum beat and the flags lovingly placed ruffled in the wind.260px-PrayerflagsLast night I had the beautiful privilege of attending a prayer flag raising ceremony with some friends. It was a celebration of a life passed on and an invitation to offer up prayers of peace and blessing.My friend rejoiced in the kindness. Mourned the sadness. I stood, before the fire, in the juxtaposition of both, kindness and sadness, the flame of my own small candle flickering in the wind, wax pouring a small streams, spirit hushed.She invited us to offer up our own joy and pain. To write down our own kindnesses and sorrows to place in the fire. An invitation to let go. To uncurl the clenched fists. To wipe clean the slate of sorrow. An outward expression of the inward re-creation. The tough work of being human, of moving on. Forgiving the self. Forgiving those who hurt you.The words I'd written so swiftly across a yellow index card--charred and up in smoke in minutes, seconds.The words that have taken a lifetime to brand themselves to me. A part of my identity. The false identity I choose to see. The lies I choose to cling to. Gone in a swirl of smoke into the night sky.An outward expression of the inward healing.The fire crackles and the crickets sing. How long will it take for the ashes to burn off my soul?

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Healing, prayer Healing, prayer

Wash Over Me

Have I asked for healing or only asked why You haven't healed me yet?

Well, I'm asking now.

Please wash over me with your healing.

Wash over my hands that I may serve you in my work and words.
Wash over my lungs that I may breathe you in and out.
Wash over my feet that I may walk forward with you.
Wash over my eyes that I may weep tears of grief and tears of joy with equal freedom.
Wash over my lips that I may praise you.
Wash over my ears that I may hear your voice over the lies that tell me I'm not good enough or that I don't need you.
Wash over my heart that bitterness may melt, joy will grow.
Wash over my brain that I would be engaged with the world, surrendered to you.

Use my wounds.
Use my heartache.
Use my mistaken ways of coping with burnout to your glory.

Come thou fount. Come with your healing. Come with your blessing.

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