Much to Celebrate

Today I offer you a week's recap in rejoicing:

1. I was not swallowed up by volcanic ash.

Photo of Volcan Fuego erupting on Thursday,
courtesy  of my friend, Chris Palmer. 

2. Today is Guatemala's Independence Day! Antigua has been abuzz with beating drums, trumpets, blaring sirens, and showers of fireworks for the past week. In fact, the pre-celebration was so spirited I didn't even notice when a volcano just outside of town erupted in the biggest burst of smoke and ash since 1998 on Thursday afternoon. To everyone who was concerned or scared by my slow response to your inquiries, I sincerely apologize. I didn't even know the volcano had erupted until I returned to my house and saw the eruption of messages on my Facebook, email, and What'sApp messages.

That said, I am excited to join in the festivities and parades and celebration of Guatemalan history. ¡Viva la independencia and darling Guatemala girls twirling batons!

Photo published by Diario de Centroamérica on

3. And most importantly, I remember and celebrate the beautiful life of my friend and teammate, Savannah Feinberg, who passed away seven (can it really be that long?) years ago today and whose legacy of love and laughter continues on in the hearts of everyone who knew her.

You can read more about Savannah in my post here.

What do you have to celebrate this week? 

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