
Blog + fodder = blodder (thanks, Alex Gomez)

It's about time I shared some of the bloggy delicious food for thought that I consume on an almost daily basis. These people inspire me with their lives, writing, insight, wit, and tasty, tasty stories. They are the butter to my blogging bread.

Bon appétit!

Adrian Waller

There are so many delectable blogs out there, what blogs can you not live without? Can you offer any tasty treats to the feast of our reading lives? Who did I miss?

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Sharing Underwear

Today I have the privilege of being the guest at my favorite Funeral Director's blog: Caleb Wilde's “Confessions of a Funeral Director.Caleb also happens to be one of my favorite bloggers, period. Don't let the Funeral Director part intimidate you or mislead you into thinking he will be boring. Seriously, check him out. You will be challenged and encouraged. You will laugh out loud and you will cry in silence. And you will find yourself erupting in audible "hmms" as you ingest his wisdom (much to the annoyance of your roommates).

But, for reals, scurry on across the interwebs to see my guest post about cherishing the time left with my grandmother (and her lovely granny panties) and enjoy today's and many days of unempty moments with my favorite Funeral Director.
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