Lent Lent

Carpet Diem and the Upside Down Kingdom

IMG_2575 2Shew. For the last week my life has been turned upside down. You see Holy Week, or Semana Santa, is a pretty big deal here in La Antigua, Guatemala—and for all of Latin America for that matter.Life turned upside down. Hundreds of thousands of people poured into the city to take part in the veneration, adoration, and celebration.Cars choked out black exhaust as they lined up in the narrow streets that resembled more of a parking lot than any kind of thoroughfare. For days, my attic bedroom shook with the rumble of every passing truck, car, and moto. The sidewalks were bloated with people, with families, with little girls in tiny woven skirts, and with the faithful donning purple, black, or white cloaks as they marched in the many processions commemorating the passion of Christ.It was a bit like living in Disneyland for an entire week: the crowds, the lines, the noise, the street vendors calling out assorted fried and fattening foods.IMG_2532Since the beginning of Lent, there were processions in every town and village and aldea. And not only every town had a procession, but every church in every town had at least a couple of processions. Sometimes, especially when I was trying to find my bus route amidst the chaos, it felt like there was literally a procession on Every. Single Street. To my foreign, non-Catholic eye, it seemed over the top—what more could they possibly be celebrating?How much incense is just enough for the prayers of the faithful to reach the ears of God in heaven without burning his nostrils too?Stores and banks closed from midday-Wednesday on. Families stayed up all night Thursday night to watch processions and participate in making alfombras. Alfombras (or carpets) are beautiful works of art that cover the streets or floors of churches before a procession passes by. They can be made out of flowers or colored sawdust or chalk, and are absolutely stunning to see. The time and care and creativity that goes into each alfombra is truly remarkable, especially considering that they’re literally trampled in minutes when the procession marches over. (My friend and housemate wrote a beautiful post on these works of art here.)IMG_2501I started the week with a great admiration for these faithful street artists and procession participants, but as the streets filled to bursting and my introverted self cursed my broken noise-canceling headphones, I found myself falling out of the Lenten spirit. I found myself caving to annoyance and silently praying that everyone would just go home already. I didn’t like having my life turned upside down.But as I think about it now (granted from my quiet, crowd-free bedroom), I start to wonder if maybe that’s the point. This turned-upside-down-ness. This break from the status quo.If we're really celebrating how Jesus is God-with-us and how everything has changed with his life and death and resurrection, then maybe a life-stopping celebration is a little more appropriate than pastel eggs and tales of an Easter bunny with jelly bean treats.Maybe we’re meant to be turned upside down. The Kingdom of God is an upside down kingdom, after all. A place where celebration trumps personal space. Where the sick are healed, the captives set free, and the blind can see.And the best part is, this kingdom is here, now. In the Gospels we can see “a new set of signposts, Jesus-shaped signposts, indicating what is to come: a whole new creation, starting with Jesus himself as the seed that is sown in the earth and then rises to become the beginning of that new world.” (Simply Jesus, N.T. Wright)And we are called to be a part of this new world. To be kingdom-bringers, signposts of hope, sowers of healing and pillars of peace in this new upside world where Jesus is alive.And that is a life-stopping celebration I can get behind.Happy Easter, everyone! IMG_2561IMG_2569

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Seres Seres

Weaving the Kingdom

Today is my first day as a part of the SERES team. Seres is a non profit organization here in Guatemala that focuses on environmental education and leadership development for youth and young adults. For the next six months at least, I'll be helping out with grant writing, marketing, communications, and other fundraising activities.Picture 6After non profit hopping for the last six-ish months, I knew Seres would be the perfect fit when I spoke with the Director about their mission to empower local staff and youth to lead the workshops and conferences and foster change in their communities. They talk a big talk about respecting biological and cultural diversity and the dignity of all life; what I'm most excited about is their walk. I haven't even officially started yet and I can say I've never felt more valued or welcomed into a group so quickly and sincerely.Just this morning I received an email from one of the board members talking about the power of using words to build a better world. But she didn't say using words, she said weaving words. About a year ago I was given the vision, the calling, the exhortation, to weave my words together as an act of worship. To use my words to glorify and give thanks, but also to usher in the kingdom. To weave hope and dignity and compassion into the tapestry of this hurting world.So granted I find the right bus and get off at the right stop (I'venever actually ventured out to the Seres office on my own), today I will  begin a new pattern in my weaving and my worship. And I couldn't be more excited.I hope and pray this Monday morning that you have a chance to join in the weaving or building or speaking or caring or utilizing whatever God-given gifts spark your passion and imagination to usher in a world of hope and dignity and compassion. To usher in the kingdom of God. 

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