38 Things I Love About My Husband

…on his 38th birthday.

I love…

  1. how you look—your strong hands and kind eyes, your muscled calves and tan skin

  2. how you feel both soft and sturdy when I press my face against your chest, my head tucked under your chin, a perfect fit

  3. how you show up even when you’re tired, nervous, and just-can’t-even

  4. how you give generously

  5. how you love a promotional, limited-time-only deal that hurts our wallet, but has introduced me to so many new things

  6. how you plan our trips 

  7. how you listen without trying to fix

  8. how you are attentive to the needs and feelings of others

  9. how you are always learning

  10. how you pursue others despite insecurities 

  11. how you can sit with nuance

  12. how ticklish you are

  13. how you give dada “nuggles” to the kids

  14. how you find the best memes

  15. how you’re steady

  16. how you love Top Chef 

  17. how you can read my mood with just one look

  18. how you lay down your needs to serve others

  19. how you plan date nights and research gymnastics competitions to attend

  20. how you love live music–from crying at Sam Smith while we were dating, to holding my hand at a church orchestra performance as they sing America the Beautiful and Seasons of Love

  21. how you’re always up for a concert or a spontaneous date night

  22. how you dream about starting over in a new city

  23. how you encourage me to pursue my own dreams

  24. how you always text back right away

  25. how I can count on you to pay the bills, get the groceries, take out the trash

  26. how we share a love of Vuori and Richard Blais

  27. how intentional you are with what we teach the kids about God

  28. how you listen to me talk about my friend’s dating mishaps, what happened in mom’s group, what OCD thoughts are looping in my head

  29. how you are the king of treats and lumpia

  30. how you are patient with the kids and their whining and mess and delay tactics and oh the noise noise noise noise

  31. how you will always finish the last bite

  32. how you order too much food at a party because you don’t want anyone to go hungry

  33. how you host and invite anyway even though it goes against all of your introverted tendencies

  34. how you give grace to me when I’m hypocritical, judgmental, and irrational

  35. how you’re getting better at showing up for yourself

  36. how you don’t call me out when I let the kids do the very thing I chastised you for letting them do one day (hour?) earlier

  37. how you don’t pressure me to share my feelings or figure out what I mean

  38. how you are still the same humble and handsome and tender-hearted man I fell in love with eight birthdays ago

Inspired by Ashlee Gadd’s “36 Things I love On My 36th Birthday.”


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