Aly Prades

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Leaving on a Jet Plane

That's right. My time in Guatemala is coming to a close. Tomorrow marks my one-year anniversary of living in the land  of eternal springtime, volcanos, cobblestone streets, and tortillas and mangos to boot.993662_694331422744_1346270241_nMy original goal/plan was to live abroad for a year, and the time has come for me to move back to San Diego. I've learned a lot about myself this year, who I am whenno one's looking, what I really value, and, especially, how grateful I am to have the friends and support I do back in San Diego. I'm sad to leave my new friends and this magical place, but am excited about the next chapter in my life. I don't have a job or a place to live lined up yet, but I trust this is the right step for me.I'm sorry the blogging has been few and far between lately, but I've been trying to soak up the last of my time here. I'll get back to a more consistent schedule once I'm in the States. I'm sure I'll have tons of processing and percolating to do with the new transition.Thanks for reading, and I'd appreciate your prayers for the next few weeks and wisdom for my next steps.