Five Minute Friday: Imagine

11463_167909332803_3492516_nImagine a world with no burnout. My world with no burnout.I used to imagine, hope, dream, plead for a world with no suffering, no pain, no poverty.Instead, I imagine a life in full color. Fully engaged. Every word flowing from my brain a living, breathing spark of the divine.I imagine the ideas swirling to bursting. The sleeplessness from anticipation of the next day's work, the next day's challenge.I imagine a world where I know my place, my calling, my vocation. It's hard to not just look back--to what I had and what I lost. To what has not yet been restored.But imagine means to think of something new. Something not yet tested or found wanting.Today I imagine work or writing or encouragement that FILLS to overflowing. That brings hope and life to others. That serves and glorifies the One who placed this vocation, these skills, this hope within me. I imagine a work that relieves, if just for a short while, if just for one person, suffering and pain and poverty.I imagine and I wait.***Five Minute FridayThis post is part of Lisa Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday prompt, Imagine. Every Friday, we turn off our inner critics and perfectionists and just write for five minutes straight. Zero editing. Just a stream of conscious free for all. And then we all link up and encourage each other. To learn more about Five Minute Friday and how you can participate click here.


T.S. Tuesday: Do Something


Yo no sé mañana