Aly Prades

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A Psalm and a Prayer

A psalm and prayer to move in the JOY of the life You have for me.

1 "Oh, the joys of those who do notfollow the advice of the wicked,or stand around with sinners,or join in with mockers.But they delight in the law of the Lord,meditating on it day and night.They are like trees planted along the riverbank,bearing fruit each season.Their leaves never wither,and they prosper in all they do."

Psalm 1:1-3


they delight in the work of the Lord

day and night, they think about His law, which is Love

they bear fruit--joy, peace, kindness, self-control, and the like

In response, I pray...for a heart that delights in bringing glory to Youfor a mind that meditates day and night on your Lovefor a life that bears fruit